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What’s Hot

  • NT$5,350

    設計師:Catherine Rudolph
    尺寸:直徑46 x 高48
    材質:Dennis 環保科技布料 / 高密度回彈泡棉 / 松木實木結構


    一般貨運配送 ( 管理室 / 1樓 );若需協助上樓,實際運費請與客服人員聯絡

  • -10% Off

    韓國設計品牌 Gitden 全台獨家代理首爾製造

    三件組:被子 + 墊子 + 枕頭
    被子尺寸寬150 x 長200 cm / 重量:約 1 kg
    墊子尺寸寬150 x 長200 cm / 重量:約 1.4 kg
    枕頭尺寸寬30 x 長50 cm / 重量:約 0.48 kg

    * 注意事項:寢具商品皆為個人衛生用品,商品真空包裝經拆封後恕不接受退換貨。


    一般貨運配送 ( 管理室 / 1樓 )


  • -12% Off

    限量搭配優惠組合:餐桌 + 長凳  = $35,800  NT$27,566 + 免運服務 ( 含組裝 + 電梯上樓定位 )

    | 尺寸|
    餐桌:長160 x 寬90 x 高76
    長凳:長150 x 寬37 x 高46

    | 材質|
    餐桌 & 長凳:相思木實木

    * 此款商品為組合販售,無法單獨購買




Best Sellers

  • NT$16,800

    | In Stock|


    • The wild oak finishing shelves give you a perfect touch of visual.
    • There is an extra storage compartment with sliding metal door for personal items.
    • More than just a spot to help you organise your titles, the Lagom Shelf is a great option for displaying books, decorative objects, and potted plants while adding a breezy touch to your home.
    • The shelves are adjustable and functional for you to fit your decor or items easily. The weight capacity for every shelf are 15kgs.


    *Self-assembly is required with tools and manual provided for easy installation.

    *Shipping costs for large furniture are also charged.


  • NT$5,350

    | In Stock|


    | Designer| Catherine Rudolph


    • Put your feet up: This versatile BOB Pouf naturally pairs with any sofa or chair and also functions as additional seating or an impromptu cocktail table.
    • Crafted with soft, durable fabric and hand-wrapped over a sturdy solid wood frame, this shapely round form complements any modern living space and is sure to stand the test of time.


    *Fabric have been forty thousands test of abrasive resistance (about three thousands times a year) and can slow down water seepage and get more time to clean.


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